Ouch, ouch, ouch. This opened a locked little box of painful frenemy memories. What struck me, reading your account, is the outsized and lingering power the not-really-friends have over us. It taps into that incredibly primal need for belonging that is a biological imperative.
Glad that I am that I've moved you emotionally, I am sending love to the wounded places that felt the pain of frenemeydom. I have to say, writing about it has made it less outsized.
That primal need for belonging is a tricky imperative. Your comment has made me ask myself, what does it mean to belong, and what would it look like if I did feel like I belonged?
Ouch, ouch, ouch. This opened a locked little box of painful frenemy memories. What struck me, reading your account, is the outsized and lingering power the not-really-friends have over us. It taps into that incredibly primal need for belonging that is a biological imperative.
Glad that I am that I've moved you emotionally, I am sending love to the wounded places that felt the pain of frenemeydom. I have to say, writing about it has made it less outsized.
That primal need for belonging is a tricky imperative. Your comment has made me ask myself, what does it mean to belong, and what would it look like if I did feel like I belonged?